Megan Alice’s debut collection A Bouquet of Daisies is a collection of poetry and prose exploring the heartbreak and healing found in relationships of all kinds. Centered around the theme of human connection, she additionally touches on the battle against mental illness, the stigma that follows the diagnosis, emotional abuse, sexual assault, and misogyny. Alice puts the spotlight on dark topics to bring forth an awareness around pain rather than shy away from it. A Bouquet of Daisies concludes with reassuring messages of plucking the dark moments out of your past to bask in your future and inner power.
“Megan Alice puts the spotlight on dark topics to bring forth an awareness around pain rather than shy away from it. A Bouquet of Daisies concludes with reassuring messages of plucking the dark moments out of your past to bask in your future and inner power.” —Life Connection Magazine
“A Bouquet of Daisies is your debut collection; can you discuss what the process of finding a publisher and putting the book together was like for you? I need to mention that you are a teenager, so this is quite an accomplishment!Your work reminds me of Rupi Kaur’s and r.H. Sin’s poetry . . .” Read the full interview at Albany Poets here.
“Megan Alice is many things: daughter, sister, feminist and full-time high school student. Somehow, though, she finds time for all her many passions, which read like a catalog for a small liberal arts college: dancing, acting, singing, writing. It’s the writing that is taking up much of her time this week. Her debut collection of poems, A Bouquet of Daisies, was released by Green Writers Press, a Vermont-based publisher of works they hope ‘will spread a message of hope and renewal.’ The book is a collection of poetry and prose exploring relationships of all kinds. She also touches on mental illness, emotional abuse, sexual assault, and misogyny.” —Megan Alice talks about her poetry on KPBS public radio. Listen here.
About the Author
Megan Alice is a seventeen-year-old poet and performer based in Southern California. Writing her own poetry since the age of fourteen, Alice has found the art of stringing words together to be healing for both writer and reader. As a feminist, Alice writes about the injustices she experiences as a woman. She donates a portion of her book proceeds to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Alice is currently working on her second book and has several novellas in development. She is always seeking ways to challenge her writing and creativity.
A Bouquet of Daisies
by Megan Alice
Paperback Original
60 pages | 5.5 x 8.5
Price: $14.95
ISBN: 978-1-7320815-6-7
Pub Date: August 15, 2018
Distributor: IPG; also available through Follett/Baker & Taylor, Ingram, and other wholesalers.
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